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 main d'oeuvre
IT manpower resources
lab.law. labour
account. labour input
empl. workers
environ. labour force; manpower
fin. lab.law. workforce
lab.law. labour
law fin. lab.law. manpower
polit. labour force
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earth.sc. Dec
| usines
IT plant
- only individual words found

to phrases
account. labour input
empl. workers
environ. labour force; manpower 1. The power generated by a man working. 2. The number of people available for work, service, etc.
fin., lab.law. workforce
lab.law. labour
law, fin., lab.law. manpower
polit. labour force (The economically active population, La population économiquement active); labour force The economically active population (La population économiquement active)
stat., social.sc. gainful worker
gen. work force
construct. labor power; manpower
econ. labour force
main d'oeuvre
empl. workers
IMF. labor
main d'oeuvre
IT manpower resources
lab.law. labour; labour force
welf. workforce
main d'œuvre
chem. man power
construct. workman; employee
health. manpower
main-d'oeuvre pl. mains-d'oeuvre
demogr. working population; economically active population; active population
ed. manpower
main-d'oeuvre des usines: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Labor law1