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gen. lintel
construct. window head beam; capsill; lintol; transom; transome; lintel, lintol, tree, bressummer , summer beam, summer tree
cultur. portal bridge
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| baie
gen. wall opening
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| la porte
 La Porte
geogr. La Porte
- only individual words found

to phrases
linteau m
gen. lintel
construct. window head beam; capsill; lintol; transom; transome; lintel, lintol, tree, bressummer heavy, wood, summer beam, summer tree; tie, tie beam; spandrel beam; bulkhead; cofferdam; barrier; lintel (au-dessus d'une baie); cross-bar; collar beam; straining beam
cultur. portal bridge
insur. header rail on door frame of container
linteau de baie de la porte
: 1 phrase in 1 subject