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heures de pointe
construct. rush-hours; rush hours
cultur., commun. peak listening period; prime time
energ.ind. peak-load hours
nat.res. peak time
heure de pointe
commun. bouncing busy hour; busy hour; peak busy hour; post selected busy hour
comp., MS peak time (The period of time during the day in which the user experiences high e-mail volume, typically during regular business hours)
cultur., commun. prime time
stat., transp. peak hour; rush hour
telecom. main traffic
Heures de pointe
comp., MS Peak times (A feature that allows the user to schedule automatic synchronization between the device and the Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is changed in Exchange Server (if the organization is running Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync), and after the first full synchronization with Exchange Server when the volume of e-mail is high)
heures de pointe
: 18 phrases in 8 subjects
Criminal law1
Materials science1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1