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fonds de roulement
 Fonds de roulement
org.name. Working Fund
UN Revolving Fund
UN insur. Working Capital Fund
 fonds de roulement
gen. revolving credit
construct. current fund
econ. working funds; circulating assets
fin. current assets in excess of current liabilities
IMF. current capital; net current assets
| nécessaire
gen. kit
| aux
forestr. missanda
| opérations
tech. project
- only individual words found

to phrases
fonds de roulement
gen. revolving credit
construct. current fund
corp.gov. floating capital
econ. working funds; circulating assets; working capital
econ., market. capital equipment; circulating capital; circulating capital fund; current assets
fin. current assets in excess of current liabilities working capital; current assets in excess of current liabilities (working capital); Revolving fund; circulating funds; trading capital; working balance; working capital fund; bank balance
fin., econ. working balances
fin., tax., industr. business assets; operating capital; working assets
IMF. current capital; net current assets
polit. revolving fund
UN, account. Working Capital Fund
Fonds de roulement
fin. working capital
org.name. Working Fund
UN Revolving Fund Information (Information)
UN, insur. Working Capital Fund
fond de roulement
UN working capital fund
fonds de roulement nécessaire aux opérations: 2 phrases in 1 subject