
   French English
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polit. East
tech. east
agric. cask
agric. industr. construct. bole; boll; shaft; trunk
mater.sc. coal. drum
mech.eng. body
transp. construct. struts
| ce que
 ce que
gen. what
vous êtes | d
commun. IT D-star
| accord
econ. agreement
| avec
comp., MS Search by
| ses
agric. bran
| propos
ling. comment
| en
med. to
| général
gen. general
| non
comp. NOT
- only individual words found

verb | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
fût v
agric. barrel; cask
agric., industr., construct. bole; boll; shaft; trunk
health. stump socket
mater.sc., coal. drum
mech.eng. body
gen. SWISS FRUIT ASSOCIATION; Swiss Planers Association; SPA
est v
polit. East
tech. east
fut v
agric. cask
Fût v
commer. Barrel
été v
transp. summer
étais v
transp., construct. struts
 French thesaurus
EST abbr.
abbr., geogr. Estonie
EST abbr.
GOST. matériel soumis à l'essai (IEC 61000-4-2, ed. 2.0 (2008-12) harser)
est-ce que vous
: 22 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology1