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HR Investigations
gen. casework
econ. stat. interview
ed. study
math. sample survey; sampling survey; schedule
polit. survey
stat. statistical survey; pilot survey
| critique
arts. review
| visant à
 visant à
gen. aimed at
| acquérir
comp. gather
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| nouvelles
arts. novel
| connaissances
comp., MS knowledge
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
enquête f
gen. casework
construct. questioning
econ., stat. interview
ed. study
math. sample survey; sampling survey; schedule
med. inquest; inquisition
polit. survey Collecting data on a given topic, mainly through interviews, questionnaires, etc (Collecte de données sur un sujet déterminé, au moyen notamment d'interviews, questionnaires, etc)
stat. statistical survey; pilot survey
enquêté f
stat., social.sc. respondent
Enquêtes fraudes et corruption f
HR Investigations Fraud and Corruption
enquête v
gen. investigation
econ., stat. enquiry
environ. survey A critical examination of facts or conditions to provide information on a situation. Usually conducted by interviews and/or on-site visitations
lab.law. audit
math. questionnaire; survey; inquiry
polit. survey (Collecting data on a given topic, mainly through interviews, questionnaires, etc, Collecte de données sur un sujet déterminé, au moyen notamment d'interviews, questionnaires, etc)
enquêter v
patents. investigate
Enquête v
pharma. Survey
enquêté v
stat., social.sc. informant
enquêtes v
account. surveys
enquête critique visant à: 1 phrase in 1 subject
International trade1