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engagement m
gen. commitment; dedication; appointment
comp. occupation; occupancy; seizure; seizing
comp., MS encumbrance (A commitment made by legal entities to reserve budget funds for expenditure obligations); commitment (The memory manager's current systemwide total of memory pages that have been committed to either physical memory or a page file)
econ. aid commitment; commitment of aid funds
fenc. engagement of the blade
fin. project that has been signed following approval by the Bank's Board of Directors; initiation; fixed liability; commitment of expenditure
gear.tr. meshing
grass.hock. bully
handb. start
hockey. face-off
IMF. expenditure commitment (budget); commitment (budget); risk exposure; exposure
interntl.trade. advance commitment
IT rollforward
law recognizance; undertaking; engagement; obligation
law, econ. bond; pledgery
market. business liability
obst., med. engagement (of the head, de la tête)
patents. pledging; liability
sport, bask. line-up
sport. entry; inscription
UN liabilities
engagements m
econ. indebtedness the sum owed
fin. commitments; liabilities
IMF. liability holdings
insur., busin., labor.org. commitments by way of guarantee
market., fin. contingent liabilities and commitments
engagements ou mesures correctives m
law, commer. commitment; remedy
montant des engagements m
IMF. country exposure (dans un pays)
 French thesaurus
engagement m
mil., logist. Action de groupements de forces interarmes en vue de remplir une mission tactique donnée par le niveau opératif. 2. Dans le cadre des règles d'engagement, mesure prise contre une force hostile dans le but de la dissuader d'agir, de lui infliger des dommages ou de la neutraliser. 3. Dans le cadre des règles d'engagement, action entreprise contre un aéronef dans le but de le détruire. (FRA)
engagement de cession
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects