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pharma. Occupation
polit. Employment
gen. line
econ. stat. appropriation of the national product
empl. employment
environ. employment
gov. post
law lab.law. job; occupation
transp. avia. engagement
| d
commun. IT D-star
| aciers austénitiques
 acier austénitique
agric. met. austenitic steel
| à
gen. per
| structure biphasée
 structure biphasée
met. two-phase structure
- only individual words found

to phrases
emploi m
gen. line
construct. employment area
econ., stat. appropriation of the national product
empl. employment
environ. employment The work or occupation in which a person is employed
gov. post
law office
law, lab.law. job; occupation
ling. use
patents. service; utilization
polit. employment Work carried out in return for payment. Also refers to the number of people in paid employment and self-employment (Travail effectué moyennant paiement. Fait également référence au nombre de personnes occupant un emploi rémunéré ou indépendant)
telecom. application
transp., avia. engagement
UN application of armed forces
emplois m
account. activities; jobs
fin. application of funds financing plan (plan de financement)
emplois fournitures nucléaires m
gen. the intended use of nuclear supplies
Emploi m
pharma. Occupation
polit. Employment
emplois et ressources m
account. uses and resources
emploi d' aciers austénitiques à structure biphasée: 1 phrase in 1 subject