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 English thesaurus
eld. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. eldest
ELD [eld] abbr.
abbr. Equivalent Lens Diameter; Erasable Logic Device (Vosoni); Lethal Dose Embryos; economical load distributor
abbr., agric. embryo lethal dose
abbr., auto. electrical load detector
abbr., avia. El Dorado, Arkansas USA; Employee and Leadership Development; NAV CANADA Employee and Leadership Development Unit
abbr., ed. English Language Development
abbr., el. electroluminescent device
abbr., electr.eng. economical load dispatch (ing); economical load dispatching
abbr., file.ext. Edge Lit Display
abbr., IT edge-lighted display; electronic license distribution
abbr., med. embryon lethal doze
abbr., mil. Expendable Laser Decoy; emitter locating data
abbr., opt. electroluminescent diode
abbr., st.exch. Eldorado Gold Corporation (Irina Kornelyuk)
mil. earth launch date; electronic lie detector; extra-long distance
tech. energy level diagram; engineering line diagram; error logging device
ELD [eld] abbr.
abbr. economical load dispatcher; extralong distance
abbr., busin. extra long distance; elder; electric load dispatcher
abbr., earth.sc. economic load dispatch
abbr., oil elevation/latitude/depth
abbr., pedag. Early Learning Division (штат Орегон oregonearlylearning.com vgsankov)
abbr., space electroluminescent display
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects