
   French English
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pharma. Impairment
health. amentia
IT dat.proc. defect
med. infirmity; deficiency; hebetude
polit. impairment; impairment
| mécanique
IT el. equipment practice; structure mechanics
| non
comp. NOT
précisée | d
commun. IT D-star
| un
unions. ENU
| membre
IT member
- only individual words found

to phrases
déficience f
health. amentia
IT, dat.proc. defect
med. infirmity; deficiency; hebetude
polit. impairment; impairment Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function (Perte ou anomalie d'une structure ou d'une fonction psychologique, physiologique ou anatomique)
Déficience f
pharma. Impairment
déficiences f
med. deficiencies
déficience mécanique non
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Health care1