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arts. cover
environ. covering
fin. collateral security; caution money; covering operation
fin. tech. reimbursement
industr. construct. blanket
math. coverage
pharma. commun. agric. external fat
tech. surveying
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| codes matiere
 code matiere
IT gen. subject code
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to phrases
couverture f
gen. coverage of data
agric. crown coverage; spray coverage
arts. cover
bank. security; guaranty
build.struct. roof coverings
coal. cap rock; roof rock
commun. broadcasting coverage; binding; case; volume coverage; volumetric coverage
construct. roof sheeting; roofing; coping; brow; bat (glass wool bat, en laine de verre); roof, roof covering
earth.sc. overburden; cap; cap rock 1,2; capping; seal rock; sealing formation; trap rock
econ., fin. hedging
environ. covering No definition needed
fin. collateral security; caution money; covering operation; conversion; conversion arbitrage; hedge; backing; margin; collateral, earnest
fin., econ. backing of currency
fin., IT covering
fin., tech. reimbursement
fish.farm., met. top-side chafer
hydrol. planting; surfacing; revetment
industr., construct. blanket; glazed coloured printing paper; lining; roof covering
insur. protection; cover/guarantee
life.sc., agric. covering soil; black grave yard soil
market. reach
math. coverage
met. coating
nat.res. cover material; forest floor; forest litter
pack. wrapper; envelope
pharma., commun., agric. external fat; fat on the outside of the carcase; subcutaneous fat
stat. coverage of accidents statistics
stat., commun., scient. listening area
tech. surveying
tech., industr., construct. liner; lining paper; paper liner
tech., met. roof
transp., construct. noise abatement roofing; noise protection roofing
work.fl. cover page; first cover page; subject coverage
work.fl., IT coverage of a documentary language; scope of a documentary language
couverture Chemise de protection amovible d'un livre, qui comprend deux rabats repliés sur les contreplats de la couverture et qui est généralement utilisée comme support publicitaire f
libr. book jacket; dust cover; dust jacket; jacket
couvertures f
book.bind. book covers
patents. blankets
couvertures papeterie f
gen. covers stationery; wrappers stationery
couverture Partie extérieure d'un livre qui sert à protéger le corps d'ouvrage f
libr. book cover
couverture des codes
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Information technology1