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noun | noun | verb | to phrases
cours m
bank. price
chem. progress; variation
comp. passage; route; path; way
ed. teaching period
ed., lab.law. period of probation; period of training; stage; training opportunity; training scheme
fin. quoted value
geogr. course (rivière); flow (écoulement rivière)
med. course of disease; development
stat. run
cours f
gen. educational design
econ. price quotation
ed. class period
fin. listed price; share list; market value; exchange rate
cour f
agric. retinue
construct. court, inner court; yard; household yard (de ferme)
polit. court
tech. court yard
Cour f
EU. The Court (la Cour)
cours v
agric., fish.farm. prices; rate
comp., MS course (A series of classes that cover aspects of a subject area); class (An individual training session on a subject)
ed. courses
fin. quotation; fixing
med. course
stat. pass
courant v
gen. instant (mensis currentis); of the present or current month (mensis currentis)
fin. marketable
health. routine
IT conventional; flow
market. Above the line item
patents. usual, customary
tech. current; stream
courir v
speed.skat. run; go through (the program)
trav. hasten
court v
mater.sc., chem. short
 French thesaurus
cour. f
tech. courant
Cour. abbr.
abbr. Courage
courir quelqu'un v
slang l'embêter
cours d'été
: 1 phrase in 1 subject