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courbe des débits
 courbe de débit
tech. mech.eng. flow curve
water.res. discharge curve
 courbe des débits
construct. consumption curve; flowrate curve
hydrol. stream rating curve
| d
commun. IT D-star
gen. height of reserve layer
fin. 1 penny; 4 farthings
| un
unions. ENU
| cours d'eau
 cours d'eau
construct. stream of water

to phrases
courbe des débits
construct. consumption curve; flowrate curve
hydrol. stream rating curve
life.sc. discharge hydrograph
courbe de débit
tech., mech.eng. flow curve
water.res. discharge curve
courbe des débits: 27 phrases in 9 subjects
Earth sciences5
Hydraulic engineering1
Life sciences9
Mechanic engineering1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1