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Google | Forvo | +
gen. exchange voucher; voucher
bank. interest coupon; interest warrant
comp. swatch
fin. engl. coupon
IMF. bond coupon
industr. construct. swatch
knit.goods mill end
| et
comp. AND
| obligation
arts. I.O.U.
| non
comp. NOT
| encore
transp. again
| payé
construct. wages
- only individual words found

to phrases
coupon m
gen. exchange voucher; voucher
bank. interest coupon; interest warrant
comp. swatch (a square containing color in color palette)
fin., engl. coupon
IMF. bond coupon
industr., construct. swatch
knit.goods mill end
pack. lamination; sheet reinforcement for laminates
coupon et obligation non encore: 1 phrase in 1 subject