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agric. seed-bed; piece
agric. industr. construct. round; tier
comp., MS map layer
met. dressing
tech. sedimentary layer
tech. industr. construct. coating color; coating slip
wood. sheet
| pour
patents. with regard to
| cultures
econ. culture
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
couche f
agric. seed-bed; piece
agric., industr., construct. round; tier
anim.husb. laying hen
antenn. junction
chem. shift; covering; site; location; position; store; deposit; bearing
comp. overlay; sheet (in computer graphics and GIS); n-sheet
comp., MS map layer (A child element of the map, each map layer including elements for their map members and map member attributes)
construct. concrete layer
ling. rank
med. layer (stratum); panniculus
med.appl. bearing area; bearing section
met. dressing; wash; measure; bush; brass; pillow; vein; sheet vein; blanket; blacking; delf
nat.res. layer (of a stratified deposit); bed (of a stratified deposit); sheet (of a stratified deposit); stratum (of a stratified deposit)
pack. ply (of paper); lamination; laminating sheet; laminate; film
tech., el. tropospheric layer
tech., industr., construct. coating color; coating slip
telecom. layer (level, niveau)
wood. sheet; veneer; veneer sheet
радиоакт. photographic layer; photolayer; photosensitive layer
couché f
book.bind. diapered
dialys. lying down
tech., chem. ply
couches f
construct. course; coat
med. lying-in; puerperium
met. strata
couche géologique f
tech. sedimentary layer
couche d'un circuit intégré à couches f
semicond. film of a film integrated circuit
couche v
gen. ply
agric. couch
coal. seam
comp., MS layer (The protocol or protocols operating at a particular level within a protocol suite, such as IP within the TCP/IP suite)
construct. course
earth.sc. shell; sheath
el. slab
environ. layer
industr., construct. coating; lap
life.sc. bed
math. stratum
met. coat of paint; lamina
tech. level
tech., chem. coat
transp. pass
couché v
tech., chem. layer
couche géologique v
tech. stratification
couche de roche, etc... v
tech. bed
coucheN v
IT N-layer
couché adj.
med. procumbent (ventricumbent); prone (ventricumbent)
couche pour cultures
: 1 phrase in 1 subject