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gen. copy to
bank. duplicate
chem. break-down; sieve; punch
construct. impression; duplication
IT transp. el. duplicating
patents. reproduction; carbon-copy
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| principaux
comp., MS backend
| documents
arts. document
| qui
IT time field
lui | ont
gen. aeroplanes
été | remis
comp., MS rebate
| ou
comp. OR
| qui
IT time field
| émanent
chem. to emanate
| d
commun. IT D-star
| elle
gen. they
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
copie f
gen. copy to
bank. duplicate
chem. break-down; sieve; punch
construct. impression; duplication
IT, transp., el. duplicating
patents. reproduction; carbon-copy
copie v
gen. duplicate (An exact copy or an additional or extra copy of a particular book or document); reproduction (A copy of a work of art. Something made in imitation of a certain style or of an earlier period)
cultur. print
IT, tech. copy
IT, transp., el. copying
transp., polit. dub
copier v
gen. reproduce (The act of copying or duplicating)
arts. copy
comp. copy/to
comp., MS copy (To duplicate information and reproduce it in another part of a document, in a different file or memory location, or in a different medium. A copy operation can affect data ranging from a single character to large segments of text, a graphics image, or from one to many data files)
construct. to line out; to score
IT, tech. to copy
mech.eng. copy-machine; duplicate
polit. copying (reprography, reprographie); copying reprography (reprographie)
copies des principaux documents qui lui ont
: 1 phrase in 1 subject