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gen. mass; gas content
commun. el. focusing
econ. amalgamation
environ. concentration
environ. engl. concentration
fin. concentration between undertakings; lumpiness
food.ind. engl. concentration
law business combination
| pondérée
econ. weighted
- only individual words found

to phrases
concentration f
gen. mass; gas content; focussing; concentration (psych.)
acrid. aggregation
build.mat. benefication; enrichment
chem. inspissation; strength
commun., el. focusing
econ. amalgamation; merger
environ. concentration process, The process of increasing the quantity of a component in a solution. The opposite of dilution (procédé)
fin. concentration between undertakings; lumpiness; concentrative operation
food.ind., engl. concentration
handb. crowding
law business combination
metrol. volume concentration
nucl.phys., ecol. ecological concentration
pharma., chem. constriction
concentration valeur f
environ., engl. concentration value
concentration pondérée
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects