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compte de résultats
agric., econ. revenue account
fin. income statement; revenue and expense account; statement of income; statement of income and expenses; income account
market. profit and loss statement
compte de résultat
account. earning statement; profit and loss statement; statement of financial performance; statement of income; statement of loss and gain; profit or loss
comp., MS income statement (A report that summarizes a company's costs, expenses, and revenues for a specific accounting period); profit and loss account (A revenue or expense account whose balance will be transferred to a retained earnings account at the end of a fiscal year. Balances in profit and loss accounts determine the net income or net loss for the year); statement of income (A report that summarizes a company's costs, expenses, and revenues for a specific accounting period); statement of earnings (A report that summarizes a company's costs, expenses, and revenues for a specific accounting period)
fin. profit-and-loss P&L account
fin., amer. income statement
fin., BrE profit and loss account
IMF. income account; revenue and expense account; statement of income and expenses; income and expense statement
Compte de résultats
gen. Income statement (Annual account, Comptes annuels)
compte des résultats
gen. statement of results
Compte de résultats
bank. Income statement Annual account (Comptes annuels)
comptes de résultats
fin. outturn accounts
compte de résultats
: 38 phrases in 10 subjects
Corporate governance1