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comité plénier
 Comité plénier
gen. Committee of the Whole
UN Overview Committee
 comité plénier
law committee of the whole House
law fin. Committee of the Whole
| chargé de
 chargé de
gen. responsible for
 chargé de ...
IMF. officer in charge
| la
chem. slurry
econ. milk
| révision des quotes-parts
 révision des quotes-parts
fin. adjustment of quotas

to phrases
comité plénier
law committee of the whole House
law, fin. Committee of the Whole
UN, sl., drug. committee of the whole
Comité plénier
gen. Committee of the Whole
UN Overview Committee
comité plénier: 19 phrases in 8 subjects
Food industry1
Immigration and citizenship1
International Monetary Fund3
Name of organization4
United Nations3