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gen. make somebody appear guiltier
chem. weight; to pour
comp. load
IT load, to
IT tech. open
met. fill; filling
met. el. charging
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tech. mission
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noun | verb | to phrases
charger m
gen. make somebody appear guiltier (quelqu'un)
chem. weight; to pour; to charge (un four); to throw; to load; a furnace (un four); to prepare; to feed
comp. load; bootstrap boost
footb. body check
hockey. body checking
IT load, to
IT, tech. to open
met. fill; filling; to insert; carburize; to lade; to load (a furnace); to charge (a furnace)
met., el. charging
pack. forward; ship
telecom. charge (action)
charger v
agric. stock
comp., MS upload (To transfer a copy of a file from a local computer to a remote computer by means of a modem or network)
environ. populate
hobby, cultur. lower out/to
IT to upload
IT, el. to load
med. to charge; feed
met., el. charge
tech. load (to)
charge v
gen. warhead
agric., chem. diluent
chem. extender; base
commun., transp. degree of utilization
comp., MS load (The maximum amount of activity that can be performed by a resource in a time period)
construct. batch
cultur. burlesque; caricature
el. demand; load; electricity; quantity of electricity
energ.ind. concentration
fin. expense; charges
hobby, transp. forebody; payload; vehicle
industr., construct. dressing; filling; tucking; filler
law office; encumbrance
mech.eng. head
met. burden (de fourneau)
mun.plan., industr., construct. weighting
tech., chem. feed
tech., engl. charge
charges v
gen. charges
fin. expenses; expenditure
law, commer. obligations
market. expenditures; revenue charges; total cost and expenses
chargé v
gen. stressed
el. charged
transp. loaded
charge des tissus v
textile filling; weighting
charger réacteur v
gen. charge verb; reactor
"chargez!" v
shoot. "load!"
charger d'une mission
: 1 phrase in 1 subject