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bande magnétique
 bande magnétique
comp. mag tape; band
environ. magnetic tape
IT computer tape; magnetic strip
IT tech. tape
tech. magnetic tape
tech. met. electrical strip
 bandes magnétiques
gen. magnetic tapes
| pré
tech. meadow
- only individual words found

to phrases
bande magnétique
comp. mag tape; band
environ. magnetic tape A plastic, paper, or metal tape that is coated or impregnated with magnetizable iron oxide particles, used in magnetic recording
IT computer tape; magnetic strip
IT, tech. tape
tech. magnetic tape
tech., met. electrical strip
bandes magnétiques
patents. magnetic tapes
bandes rubans magnétiques
gen. magnetic tapes
bande magnétique pré
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Earth sciences2
Information technology1