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gen. authorization
comp., MS authorization
environ. permission; permission; authorisation
fin. authorisation
law industr. permit
nucl.phys. licence
transp. tech. clearance
commun. authorisations
| d'entrée
comp. incoming
- only individual words found

to phrases
autorisation f
gen. authorization; appropriation
avia., Canada air traffic control clearance; air traffic clearance; ATC clearance
comp. validation; enable
comp., MS authorization (The process of granting a person, computer process, or device access to certain information, services or functionality. Authorization is derived from the identity of the person, computer process, or device requesting access, which is verified through authentication)
econ. warrant authorization
environ. permission; permission The license, formal consent or authorization to act on some matter, frequently validating the action as lawful or procedurally correct; authorisation An official certification of competence or a transfer of the right and power to act, including permission from government to use state funds for a particular program or project
fin. authorisation; permit (Moins formel qu’une licence ou agrément bancaire)
health. allowance (exemple family allowances, majorations de pension supplementary allowances)
law license
law, industr. permit
nucl.phys. licence
nucl.phys., law licensing (action)
patents. power
textile approval
transp., tech. clearance
welf. release medical
autorisations f
commun. authorisations
comp., MS permissions (Authorization to perform operations associated with a specific shared resource, such as a file, directory, or printer. Permissions must be granted by the system administrator to individual user accounts or administrative groups)
autorisation d'entrée: 2 phrases in 1 subject