
   French English
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polit. unit
gen. base for calculation; learning unit
comp., MS unit; unit of measure; unit of measurement
math. elementary unit
mech.eng. el. generating set
med. Unit
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| la
econ. milk
| gestion
econ. management
immobilière | et
comp. AND
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| la
econ. milk
| maintenance
environ. maintenance
| à Luxembourg
 à Luxembourg
gen. in Luxembourg
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
unité f
gen. base for calculation (de calcul); learning unit
account. entity; unity
comp. unit (as a measure); block (as a part of construction)
comp., MS unit (A measurement that specifies in what quantity a product will be sold); unit of measure (A division of quantity established in calibrated or normative systems of measurement); unit of measurement (A division of quantity established in calibrated or normative systems of measurement)
corp.gov. organizational unit
dat.proc. device
dialys. unit of measure (de mesure)
law condominium unit
mach.mech. aggregate; assembly; set; block; pulley
math. elementary unit
mech.eng., el. generating set
med. Unit
metrol. measurement unit
nucl.phys., unit.meas. n unit (an inofficial unit of fast neutron dose, measured by a 100 r Victoreen ionization chamber)
stat., tech. item; unit
tech. unit of issue
telecom. unit (of measurement, de mesure)
unités f
account. units
Unité f
polit. unit
 French thesaurus
unité f
mil., logist. Terme générique consacré pour désigner en général un corps de troupe. On parle parfois aussi de "formation". Une "grande unité" désigne une brigade, une division ou une force terrestre d’un niveau supérieur à celui du corps de troupe. (FRA)
UNITA abbr.
abbr., org.name. Union nationale pour l'indépendance totale de l'Angola
Unité de la gestion
: 37 phrases in 8 subjects
Information technology1
Name of organization8
United Nations1