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fin. Treaty
commer. polit. fin. commercial bill; trade bill
econ. bills of exchange
ed. gen. treatise
industr. construct. met. bloomed; coated
ling. treatise
patents. contract
polit. treaty
| entre
gen. entry
| le Royaume des Pays-Bas
 le Royaume des Pays-Bas
geogr. the Netherlands
| et
comp. AND
| la République fédérale d'Allemagne
 la République fédérale d'Allemagne
geogr. Germany
| concernant
 concernant ...
gen. in relation to ...
| la
econ. milk
| coopération policière
 coopération policière
econ. police cooperation
transfrontalière | en
med. to
| matière
transp. matter
- only individual words found

noun | noun | verb | to phrases
traité m
environ. treaty An international agreement in writing between two states or a number of states. Treaties are binding in international law; some treaties create law only for those states that are parties to them
traite f
gen. treat
anim.husb. milking
bank. drawn bill; draft bill of exchange; drawn bill of exchange
commer., polit., fin. commercial bill; trade bill
fin. draft
interntl.trade., fin., patents. banker's draft
traité f
ed. treatise (tractatus)
industr., construct., met. bloomed; coated
ling. treatise
patents. contract
polit. treaty
traités f
gen. EU Treaties
traites f
econ. bills of exchange
Traité f
fin. Treaty
traiter v
gen. treat
agric. process
agric., mater.sc. process/to
chem. to work (ores, minerais); to process; to shape; to fashion; to treat; to manipulate; to mix; to light; to slack (lime); to attach
comp. handle; manipulate; handle /to
ed., IT bloom; coat
mech.eng. to fabricate; fabricate; to machine; to work; tool; work
med. to process
pack. machine
tech., chem. to cure
traite v
fin. bill of exchange
traités v
gen. European Union Treaties; Treaties
traits v
UN, cartogr. features
traire v
agric., tech., coal. milk
Traités v
law Treaties
traiter des informations, des photographies, etc. v
tech. process (to)
Traité entre le Royaume des Pays-Bas et la République fédérale d'Allemagne concernant la coopération policière: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Criminal law1