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comp., MS Process
chem. action; effect; method; phenomenon; first runnings
comp., MS process
fin. processes
IT dat.proc. process
IT tech. technical process
| par
nat.sc. agric. red pandora
lequel | les
law adversely affected
| unités
gen. base for calculation
| participant à
 participer à ...
law patents. participate in ...
| une opération
 une opération
gen. surgery
| amphibie
transp. amphibian
| ou
comp. OR
| aéroportée
tech. airborne
| se
agric. bran
| groupent
fin. group
| se rassemblent
 se rassembler
chem. to collect
lorsque | c
law against
| est
polit. East
| possible
logic possible
| ou
comp. OR
| se dirigent vers
 se diriger vers
transp. steer a course for
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| camps
tech. camp
| provisoires
tech. temporary
| au
geogr. Au
| voisinage
tech. neighbourhood
| des points
 de pointe
gen. state-of-the-art
| d
commun. IT D-star
| embarquement
transp. loading
| et
comp. AND
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| aérodromes
tech. BrE aerodrome
| achèvent
transp. industr. construct. complete
leurs | préparatifs
transp. preparation
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| combat
chem. to combat
| et
comp. AND
| se
agric. bran
| pré
tech. meadow
| parent
econ. relationship
à l | embarquement
transp. loading
2 | Processus
comp., MS Process
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| rassemblement
gen. join-up
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| stockage
gen. storage
| et
comp. AND
| d
commun. IT D-star
| organisation
comp., MS organization
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| approvisionnements
econ. supply
| et
comp. AND
| ou
comp. OR
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| l'équipement
gen. local government department responsible for road maintenance and issuing building permits
| et
comp. AND
| en
med. to
| particulier
patents. peculiar
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| véhicules de transport
 véhicule de transport
forestr. transport vehicle
| pour
patents. with regard to
| effectuer
commun. IT carry out
| un
unions. ENU
| mouvement en avant
 mouvement en avant
chem. forward motion
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
processus m
chem. action; effect; method; phenomenon; first runnings; operation
comp., MS process (The virtual address space and the control information necessary for the execution of a program)
fin. processes
IT, dat.proc. process
IT, tech. technical process
med. procedure; apophysis
Processus m
comp., MS Process (A SmartArt graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show steps in a process or timeline)
Processus par lequel: 1 phrase in 1 subject