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Conférence des Parties
 Conférence des Parties
org.name. Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC; Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UN ecol. Conference of the Parties
 Conférence des parties
UN clim. Conference of the Parties
 conférence des parties
gen. Conference of the Parties
| à
polit. agric. tech. a
gen. "a" triple dash
gen. per
| la Convention
 la Convention
gen. the French National Convention
| cadre
gen. administrative staff
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| Nations unies
 Nations Unies
IMF. United Nations
| sur
health. safe
| les changements
 le changement
gen. change
| climatiques
astr. climatic

to phrases
Conférence des Parties
org.name. Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC; Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UN, ecol. Conference of the Parties
conférence des parties
gen. Conference of the Parties
UN, clim. conference of the parties
Conférence des parties
UN, clim. Conference of the Parties
 French thesaurus
Conférence des Parties
org.name. KOC
Conférence des Parties: 65 phrases in 12 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Name of organization9
Nuclear physics5
United Nations12