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comp., MS Scope
anal.chem. range
chem. weak; slight; poor; scope; periphery
comp. extent
IMF. coverage
phonol. voice range
| présumée
UN law allege
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| la
econ. milk
| protection
gen. Protection
conférée | par
nat.sc. agric. red pandora
| le brevet
 le brevet
gen. exam taken at 14 years of age
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
étendue f
anal.chem. range (of the results)
chem. weak (solution); slight (solution); poor (solution); scope; periphery; width; amplitude; domain; area
comp. extent
IMF. coverage
phonol. voice range
stat., tech. process range
Étendue f
comp., MS Scope (In the Business Rules editor, the UI string that refers to whether the business rule applies to all forms or is specific to one form)
étendu v
UN, geol. extended continental shelf
étendue adj.
comp., MS scope (The range and depth of a search on a portal site, desktop or other); extent (The width or height of the viewport)
math. range
stat. spread
stat., IT span
étendu adj.
bank. scope; margin; allowance
chem. diluted
construct. tensile; stretched
med. procumbent (ventricumbent); prone (ventricumbent)
med.appl. flexed; bended
UN, geol. extended
étendue présumée de la protection
: 1 phrase in 1 subject