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comp., MS variance
fin. margin; spread
gear.tr. deviation
math. deviate
med. absolute difference
tech. gap
tech. chem. set
transp. construct. swing
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| valeur sur
 valeur sûre
fin. gilt-edged security
| entrées
comp. entry
| et
comp. AND
| sorties de
 sortir de
gen. fall outside
| stock
arts. stock
- only individual words found

to phrases
écart m
gen. rural district; hamlet; isolated farmhouse
agric. variation
bank. variance
chem. aberration; offset; soaking
commun. isolated dwelling
comp. slack; bias; biasing
comp., MS variance (The difference between two values, such as the difference between estimated and actual expenses); variance (The difference between two values, such as the difference between estimated and actual expenses)
construct. error
cultur. latitude
fin. margin; spread; discrepancy; spread strategy
gear.tr. deviation
gov., econ., social.sc. wedge
kayak. push (sur l'arrière)
law district
ling. deviance
math. deviate
med. absolute difference
survey. error of closure; closing error; misclosure
tech. gap; actual deviation
tech., chem. set
tech., industr., construct. skirting
tech., mater.sc. off-size
transp. separation; displacement
transp., astronaut. clearance; play
transp., construct. swing
transp., el. time headway; time interval
transp., nautic. differential
ecart m
gen. clearance
bank. spread; differential
écarts m
construct. allowance; tolerance
UN, account. variances
écart entre niveaux de prix m
agric. departure of price from given price level
ecart jeu etc.. m
mater.sc., mech.eng. gap
écart X m
transp., mil., grnd.forc. delta deviation
écart de valeur sur
: 2 phrases in 1 subject