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to phrases
οψιόν v
fin. Options-; Börsentermingeschäft; Option
social.sc. Wahlrecht
οψιόν in the money v
fin. im-Geld-Option; in-the-money Option
οψιόν at the money v
fin. am-Geld-Option
οψιόν out of the money v
fin. aus-dem-Geld-Option
οψιόν deep out of the money v
fin. deep out-of-the-money option
οψιόν at the money v
fin. at-the-money option
οψιόν out of the money v
fin. out-of-the-money option
οψιόν deep in the money v
fin. deep in-the-money option
call option ; οψιόν v
fin. Call, Call Option, Kaufoption
: 66 phrases in 1 subject