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commun. ID code; identifier
econ. identity document
fin. IT identification card
law immigr. ID card
med. identity
 ταυτότητα Jordan
stat. Jordan's identity
 ταυτότητα LGBT
h.rghts.act. LGBT identity
 ταυτότητα Pollaczek-Spitzer
stat. Pollaczek-Spitzer identity; Pollaczek-Spitzer identify
| που
gen. that
επιτρεπει την εισοδο | σε
comp., MS LINQ to ADO.NET
| δημοσιο
gen. public domain
| καταστημα
econ. establishment
- only individual words found

to phrases
ταυτότητα f
gen. id
commun. ID code; identifier
comp., MS identity (A person or entity that must be verified by means of authentication, based on criteria such as password or a certificate)
econ. identity document
fin., IT identification card
law, immigr. ID card; identity card
med. identity
ταυτότητα LGBT f
h.rghts.act. LGBT identity
ταυτότητα Pollaczek-Spitzer f
stat. Pollaczek-Spitzer identity; Pollaczek-Spitzer identify
ταυτότητα Jordan f
stat. Jordan's identity
ταυτότητα Spitzer f
stat. Spitzer's identity
ταυτότητα που
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Human rights activism1