
   Ukrainian English
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gen. frequency; periodicity; rate
cinema freak
comp., MS frequency
econ. frequency
IT frequency
math. relative frequency
mil. frequency, intensity, time, type
phys. pulsatance
| прямування
gen. following
- only individual words found

to phrases
частота n
gen. frequency (повторюваність, частість); periodicity; rate
cinema freak
comp., MS frequency (In Windows Media Player, the number, such as 88.5 or 101.7, used to locate a radio station)
econ. frequency (подій)
IT frequency
math. relative frequency (події)
mil. frequency, intensity, time, type
phys. pulsatance (кутова)
частотаподії n
stat. relative frequency
частота прямування
: 1 phrase in 1 subject