
   Ukrainian English
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gen. this
gen. by that; withal
law hereby
offic. herewith
econ. hereof
gen. thereof
econ. hereof
gen. that; this
| посада
gen. disintegrator
пропонується | на
gen. towards
2 | роки
comp., MS Rock
- only individual words found

to phrases
цього pron.
gen. thereof; it; that; this
econ. hereof; of this; of it; of them
цим pron.
gen. by that; withal
econ. thereby; by it; by that means; in that connection
law hereby
offic. herewith
цьому pron.
gen. it; that; this
ці pron.
gen. these (Yerkwantai); those (мн. від цей, ця, це)
law those
ця pron.
gen. that; this
цих pron.
econ. hereof; of these
цей pron.
gen. this (Yerkwantai)
ця посада: 4 phrases in 2 subjects