
   Ukrainian English
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gen. bascule; farm; grange; homestead
amer. bowery
austral. location
construct. frame; framework
environ. farm
inf. onstead
| із
gen. among
службовими | будівлями
environ. building
- only individual words found

to phrases
ферма n
gen. bascule (моста); farm; grange (з будівлями); homestead; stead
amer. bowery
austral. location
construct. frame; framework; girder; truss
econ. enterprise
environ. farm
inf. onstead; steading
law town
O&G lattice work; leg
tech. girder (моста)
кроквяна ферма n
construct. truss
ферма із
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Oil and gas1