
   Ukrainian English
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gen. carriage; carrying trade; convoy; traffic; transport
account. carry-over
econ. conveyance; means of conveyance; transport
transp. surface transport
| поповнення
gen. accession
кораблів | боєприпасами
mil. ammo
- only individual words found

to phrases
транспорт n
gen. carriage; carrying trade; convoy; traffic; transport (судно, ship); transportation (перевезення); troopship
account. carry-over
econ. conveyance; means of conveyance; transport
law batch (партія вантажу); carriage (перевезення); consignment; lot; transportation
O&G conveying
transp. surface transport (наземний)
транспорт RPC n
comp., MS RPC transport (The underlying network services used by the remote procedure call (RPC) runtime for communications between network nodes)
транспорт поповнення: 1 phrase in 1 subject