
   Ukrainian English
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gen. affront; allision; appulse; bicker; brush; bump
inf. chip
mil. affair
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gen. towards
полі | бою
gen. boy
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gen. affront; allision; appulse; bicker; brush (with, between); bump; bustle; clash; collision (удар, зіткнення); conflict (рукопашна бійка); encounter; fight; fighting; fray; hit; impact (on, against); impingement; jostle; percussion; scramble; scuffle; shock; tilt; tussle; velitation; warfare; wrangle; bickering (сварка); quarrel; wrestle (боротьба)
amer., inf. free-for-all; run-in
avia. incident
dipl. conflict
fr. escarmouche; rencontre
inf. chip; hassle; scrimmage; scrummage; stour
law combat
mil. affair; engagement; passage of arms; rencounter; close engagement; close fight; battle; collision; impact; party; ruffle
mil., inf. scrape
mil., news skirmish (The peace of Utrecht ended the war proper in 1713, but desultory skirmishes carried on until 1714.)
nautic. grapple
obs. medley
sport. bout; fall
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: 2 phrases in 1 subject