
   Ukrainian English
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gen. compatible; consistent; consonant; joint; reconcilable; unrepugnant
comp., MS compliant
econ. consistent
IT coherent
| у
gen. among
| зворотному
gen. reverse
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to phrases
сумісний adj.
gen. compatible (що можна поєднати, with); consistent; consonant (з); joint (спільний); reconcilable (з чимсь); unrepugnant; combined
comp., MS compliant (Meeting or falling within a set of standards or guidelines in the creation and production of a product)
dipl. consistent (with)
econ. consistent
IT coherent; compatible; joint; simultaneous
math. matching
mil. consistent (з - with)
O&G concerted
сумісний у зворотному: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Information technology1