
   Ukrainian English
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gen. ante; cast; general headquarters; General Head-quarters; price; rate
amer. parlay
cards mise; punt
| за
gen. about
короткостроковими борговими зобов'язаннями
- only individual words found

noun | noun | word form | to phrases
ставок m
gen. basin; mere; pond; stank; water-hole
amer., inf. hole
ecol. dam pond
environ. pond
inf. pound; water
замкнутий ставок m
gen. dew-pond
ставка n
gen. bet (в парі; також перен.: The Kremlin has so far taken the approach of allowing protesters to gather, provided they obtained the appropriate permission from city authorities. Their bet, analysts believe, is that the protest movement will run out of steam. theguardian.com); pool
avia. supreme headquarters (верховного головнокомандувача)
IT bet (у грі)
law bet (заклад при парі тощо); rate; reliance (орієнтація на, on)
mil. headquarters (штаб)
ставка form.
gen. ante (в покері); cast; general headquarters; General Head-quarters; price (в парі); rate (тарифу, податку); stake (у грі); wager
amer. parlay (у грі)
cards mise; punt
comp., MS pay rate (Resource cost per hour. Project includes two types of pay rates: standard rates and overtime rates)
econ. ante; stake; wage
inf. wed (у грі)
ставка за
: 57 phrases in 3 subjects
Business style3