
   Ukrainian English
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gen. authoritatively; blankly; broadly; conclusively; crisply; decidedly
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gen. advocate
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gen. angle
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adjective | adverb | to phrases
рішучий adj.
gen. backboned; cataclysmic; categorical; crisp (про характер); decided; decisive; determinate; determined; drastic; emphatic; emphatical; firm; flat-footed; flush; grim; manful; plump; point-blank; purposeful; purposive; resolute; resolved; smash; smashing; soldierly; spiritful; square; stalwart; staunch; stiff; stout; strong; strong-minded (особливо про жінку); strong-willed; unfaltering; unflinching; unhesitating; vigorous
amer., inf. two-fisted
inf. plucky
mil. stable
O&G peremptory
рішуче adv.
gen. authoritatively; blankly; broadly; conclusively; crisply (говорити); decidedly; decisively; determinately; with determination; drastically; emphatically; firmly; fixedly; flatly; forthright; grimly; manfully; neck and crop; point-blank; positively; pronouncedly; quite; resolvedly; stark; starkly; stout; stoutly; strongly; unhesitatingly; resolutely; head-on (Brücke)
amer. with both feet
amer., inf. flat-footed
dipl. vigorously
mus. energico
USA flat out (Yuriy Sokha); straight out (Yuriy Sokha)
рішуче відстоювати свою точку зору
: 1 phrase in 1 subject