
   Ukrainian English
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gen. manoeuvre; motion; move; movement; play; process
comp., MS gesture
econ. range
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gen. derivate
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to phrases
рух n
gen. manoeuvre; motion; move; movement (громадський); play; process (часу); progression (уперед); riding; stir; stirring; streaming; tenor; traffic (транспортний); travel; working (води)
account. behaviour
avia. away; service
comp., MS gesture (A quick movement of a finger or pen on a screen that the computer interprets as a command, rather than as a mouse movement, writing, or drawing)
dipl. disturb; maneuvre; range; traffic (транспорту)
econ. range (цін, курсів); drive; floating (капіталу); process; traffic; trend
h.rghts.act. Rukh (як власна назва руху в Україні)
inf. go
IT movement; progress; traffic (на дорогах)
mil. travel (снаряда по каналу ствола); stream
O&G upstroke
D-рух n
microel. D-drive (етап активації шляху в D-алгоритмі побудови тесту ВІС)
рух похідним
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
American usage, not spelling1