
   Ukrainian English
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gen. acquit; disburse; pay the fiddler; harvest; pay; pony up
| за
gen. about
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gen. actings
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to phrases
розплачуватися v
gen. acquit; disburse; pay the fiddler; harvest (за щось); pay (for); pony up; stand the racket; reckon (з кимсь); reckon out; settle; settle up; pay one's shot; atone (зазнавати покарання за щось, for); defray; reimburse (за видатки); settle accounts (with); suffer (for)
econ. pay scores; settle accounts; square; square accounts; pay; pay off
fin. square to clear accounts
inf. stump up
int.rel., econ. pay back
IT pay out
law compensate; expiate (за злочин); reckon; settle (за отримані кошти, товари)
mil. discharge
розплачуватися за
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
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