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gen. book; chapter; column; division; paragraph
comp., MS section; chapter; partition; key
реалізації | модуля
comp., MS module
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розділ n
gen. book; chapter; column (у газеті); division (поділ); paragraph; particle; passus (поеми тощо); section (частина); theory (науки); allotment (землі); issue (у документі); part (у книзі)
comp. partition (область пам'яті)
comp., MS section (A control that contains other controls); chapter (In a DVD or a video, a portion of a title, such as a scene or sequence. A title can contain one or more chapters); key (In Registry Editor, a folder that appears in the left pane of the Registry Editor window. A key can contain subkeys and entries. For example, Environment is a key of HKEY_CURRENT_USER)
dipl., inf. divide
econ. head; partition; section; split
IT chapter (книги); dividing; division; part
law article; chapter; item; order (правил судочинства Верховного суду Англії); parceling; partition (в т. ч. майна, території); partitioning; section (частина документа); title (Кодексу законів США); separation
mil. order
розділ MSR n
comp., MS Microsoft Reserved partition (A required partition on every GUID partition table (GPT) disk. System components can allocate portions of the MSR partition into new partitions for their own use. For example, when you convert a basic GPT disk to dynamic, the system allocates a portion of the MSR partition to be used as the Logical Disk Manager (LDM) metadata partition. The MSR partition varies in size based on the size of the GPT disk. For disks smaller than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 32 MB. For disks larger than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 128 MB. The MSR partition is not visible in Disk Management, and you cannot store data on the MSR partition or delete it); MSR partition (A required partition on every GUID partition table (GPT) disk. System components can allocate portions of the MSR partition into new partitions for their own use. For example, when you convert a basic GPT disk to dynamic, the system allocates a portion of the MSR partition to be used as the Logical Disk Manager (LDM) metadata partition. The MSR partition varies in size based on the size of the GPT disk. For disks smaller than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 32 MB. For disks larger than 16 GB, the MSR partition is 128 MB. The MSR partition is not visible in Disk Management, and you cannot store data on the MSR partition or delete it)
розділ диска n
comp., MS partition (A section of space on a physical disk that functions as if it were a separate disk)
розділ: 137 phrases in 24 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
European Union2
Information technology18
Oil and gas5