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gen. regimen
comp., MS mode
fr. regime
med. fr. regime
tech. process
 режим ASPM
comp., MS ASPM
 режим ATM
comp., MS ATM
 режим Aero Glass
comp., MS Aero Glass
 режим RFM
comp., MS RFM
 режим RIP
comp., MS silent RIP
| ручного
gen. domestic
| застосування
avia. implementation
- only individual words found

to phrases
режим n
gen. regimen; regime (система правил, заходів); regulations; routine (розпорядок праці); schedule
avia. duty (роботи); regime (роботи)
comp., MS mode (The operational state of a computer or a program. For example, edit mode is the state in which a program accepts changes to a file)
econ. duty; treatment
fr. regime
IT behavior (роботи); behaviour (роботи); condition; environment (роботи); mode (роботи); operation (роботи); state (роботи)
law control; terms; treatment (інвестиційний тощо); regime (державний лад); regimen (розклад); routine; security (ізоляція – в пенітенціарному закладі)
med., fr. regime (харчування)
microel. action (роботи); condition (роботи pl)
O&G behavior (роботи, пласта)
tech. process; schedule (роботи); behavior (роботи машин); conditions; mode; operating conditions; working conditions
режим Aero Glass n
comp., MS Aero Glass (A graphic mode that is available with Aero UI that supports 3D graphics, visual effects, and animation as well as the regular features of Aero UI)
режим ATM n
comp., MS ATM (A high-speed, connection-oriented, virtual circuit-based packet switching protocol used to transport many different types of network traffic. ATM packages data in 53-byte, fixed-length cells that can be switched quickly between logical connections on a network)
режим SQL n
comp., MS SQL view (A window that displays the SQL statement for the current query or that is used to create an SQL-specific query (union, pass-through, or data definition). When you create a query in Design view, Access constructs the SQL equivalent in SQL view)
номінальний режим n
avia. rating (роботи)
режим RFM n
comp., MS RFM (A mode which prevents users from logging on to the computer until Windows is activated)
режим ASPM n
comp., MS ASPM (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
режим RIP n
comp., MS silent RIP (The capability of a computer to listen for and process Routing Information Protocol (RIP) announcements but without announcing its own routes)
режим ручного застосування
: 1 phrase in 1 subject