
   Ukrainian English
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gen. hand; idiograph; sub; subscription
amer. by-line; caption
comp., MS caption; caption text; signature
law sign
| на
gen. towards
звороті | документа
law facts
- only individual words found

to phrases
підпис n
gen. hand; idiograph; sub (subscription); subscription (на документі)
amer. by-line (автора); caption (під ілюстрацією)
comp., MS caption (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image); caption text (Descriptive text that is associated with a piece of content, such as an image); signature (Data that binds a sender's identity to the information being sent. A digital signature may be bundled with any message, file, or other digitally encoded information, or transmitted separately. Digital signatures are used in public key environments and provide authentication and integrity services)
econ. signature
IT caption (під малюнком); legend (під малюнком, кресленням тощо)
law sign; autograph; subscription
mil. legend (до ілюстрації, схеми)
XML-підпис n
comp., MS XML Signature (An XML-based digital signature that can be used to secure the data contained in XML documents. XML Signatures are a standard governed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C))
підпис на
: 19 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Business style2