
   Ukrainian English
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gen. accommodation; asylum; bield; charity-school; cover; foundling-hospital
bible.term. chimney
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притулок n
gen. accommodation; asylum (заклад); bield; charity-school; cover; foundling-hospital (для підкидьків); habitance; habitation; harbor; harbour; harbourage; haunt; haven; home; hospitality; kennel; lodgement; niche; nook; purlieu; refuge; repair; retreat; sanctuary; shadow; shelter; subterfuge; succour; charity school; hospice; care (Children who are in care are looked after by the state because their parents are dead or unable to look after them properly collinsdictionary.com bojana)
bible.term. chimney
dipl. safe haven (напр. на території посольства якоїсь держави)
fig. port; roof
fr., inf. rendezvous
humor. sanctum (вченого, поета тощо)
inf. lewth
law almshouse (для літніх, хворих тощо); receiving home (для неповнолітніх злочинців); resort; safeguard; shelter-care facility; shelter; house of refuge (для літніх, хворих тощо); harbour (пристановище)
mil. safe haven
mil., inf. dugout
poetic bower; hold; shade
polit. asylum
притулок для
: 16 phrases in 4 subjects
Obsolete / dated2