
   Ukrainian English
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gen. advice; counsel; hint; recommendation; suggestion; tip
amer. inf. steer
book. paraenesis
comp., MS MailTip
environ. advice
| мудрим
gen. gash
| не
gen. ab-
| потрібна
gen. necessary
| а
gen. ab-
дурні нею | не
gen. ab-
| скористуються
law seise
- only individual words found

to phrases
порада n
gen. advice; counsel; hint; recommendation; suggestion; tip; word; opinion (юриста)
amer., inf. steer
book. paraenesis
comp., MS MailTip (" Extra information displayed to a user while they are composing an e-mail message. MailTips are displayed in an InfoBar, similar to the banner that appears saying ""This message has not been sent."" MailTips reveal anything that might be unexpected about the delivery or audience of the message, such as recipient validity or Out of Office status or whether the message might not be delivered.")
dipl. practical suggestion
environ. advice (An official notice, opinion, counsel or recommendation that is optional or at the receiver's discretion)
inf. tip-off
law proposal; consultation (консультація)
poetic rede
поради n
IT tips
порада мудрим не потрібна, а дурні нею не скористуються
: 1 phrase in 1 subject