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gen. draw one's last breath (Brücke); go aloft; pass away; breathe one's last; kick the bucket; bump off; decease; demise; depart from this life; end; expire; go the way of all flesh; be food for worms; breathe one's last gasp; go to glory; go west; go to grass; gasp out one's life; lose; pass in; pass over; pay the debt of nature; peg out; pip out; pop off; get one's quietus; be with the Saints; quit this scene of troubles; shut one's lights off; sink into the grave; slip one's breath; cross the Styx; succumb; tip over the perch; tip off the perch; tip up one's heels; turn up one's toes; yield up the ghost; bite dust; depart; die; join the majority
amer. join the angels; cross the Great Divide
fig. exit
inf. cut one's cable; slip one's cable; drop a cue; go up the flume; kick in; pack up; pass in the checks; pop off the hooks; shoot one's star; skip; skip out
mil. take the ferry; to cross the Stygian ferry
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gen. gone to the kingdom come
: 68 phrases in 5 subjects