
   Ukrainian English
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gen. check; entry; label; mark; marker; point
polygr. jigger
| на
gen. towards
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noun | adjective | to phrases
позначка n
gen. denotement; denotation
comp., MS check mark (A small x or other sign that appears in the check box if the option represented by the box is selected); charm (An icon that is attached to an event and that is viewable in someone's calendar. Depending on the calendar view, a charm may appear next to an event title, or may be the only visual representation of an event on a calendar day); flag (Broadly, a marker of some type used by a computer in processing or interpreting information; a signal indicating the existence or status of a particular condition. Flags are used in such areas as communications, programming, and information processing); tag (A marker that can be applied to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. This allows the user to find, view and sort tagged items with ease)
IT check box; checkbox
O&G gauge mark; score; scribed line; spotting
позначки n
law marks
позначка adj.
gen. check; entry; label (граматична тощо); mark; marker; point (шкали); sign; speckle; symbol; tally; tick; note
IT designation; label; pip (на екрані); remark; token
law registration
mil. badge; indication
O&G datum; marking
polygr. jigger
rec.mngmt tick ("пташка")
tech. notch
позначка на
: 9 phrases in 7 subjects
Oil and gas2