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noun | verb | to phrases
пекло n
gen. Abaddon; barathrum; blazes; bottomless pit; Gehenna; hell (жахливі умови); lower regions; the pit; the pit of hell; purgatory; the nether regions; the lower regions; thick; underworld; bedlam (безладдя); scorching heat (спека); hellstew (A messy, confusing hodgepodge from which no good can come.: Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with people, but it can quickly turn into a hellstew at any moment. zdnet.com Artjaazz)
book. Pandemonium
hist., relig. Sheol
inf. hot place; sizzle
ital. inferno
lit. the Underworld
myth. Hades; Tartarus
пекти v
gen. bake (у печі); bite (про перець, гірчицю тощо); coddle (яблука тощо); cook; grill; parch; roast; sear; sting; be hot (про сонце); burn; scorch
: 48 phrases in 4 subjects