
   Ukrainian English
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gen. area; canton; district; ground; province; region
| кристала
gen. crystal
| з
gen. about
максимальною ймовірністю | вмісту
comp., MS Content
- only individual words found

to phrases
область n
gen. area; canton (землі); district; ground; province (регіон); region; side; soil; superficies; domain; oblast (адміністративно-територіальна одиниця); territory; zone
anat. tract
avia. province
comp. realm (у базах даних)
comp., MS realm (A set of security principles, in a non-Windows networked environment, that are subject to Kerberos authentication); area (" A part of the user interface dedicated to a particular purpose, such as ""instant message area."""); scope (The range and depth of a search on a portal site, desktop or other); region (Contiguous areas of storage on a disk); pane (A portion of a software window bounded by and separated from other portions by vertical or horizontal bars and having a separate function)
dipl. circle; range; region (адміністративна одиниця); sphere (діяльності)
econ. band; department; field; realm; sphere
IT province (знань); range (значення); space; universe; space key
O&G country; way
поіменована область n
IT realm (у базах даних)
область кристала з
: 3 phrases in 1 subject