
   Ukrainian English
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gen. child; daughter; descendant; descendent; fruit; imp
comp., MS descendant
| засновника
gen. founder
| установи
inf. fix up
| що
gen. what
користується особливими | правами
environ. law
- only individual words found

to phrases
нащадок n
gen. child; daughter; descendant; descendent; fruit; imp; offset; offshoot; offspring; progeny; scion; shoot; son; sprout
bible.term. root
comp., MS descendant (In a tree data structure, a node that is one or more steps farther from the root (one or more levels lower) than the ancestor node)
fig. plant
ironic. sprig
IT instance; off-spring; successor
law issue
poetic slip
нащадки n
gen. posteriors; race; succession; progeny (майбутні покоління)
coll. posterity
IT children
mil. issue
нащадок засновника установи, що: 1 phrase in 1 subject